Change of control @Content Exchange: Investors receive appreciation interest

Crowd investors of Content Exchange receive appreciation interest payments in March! Subordinated loans end prematurely due to a change of control at the company.
On January 9, 2020, a change of control took place at Content Exchange (I.R.V. d.o.o.). A new investor took over more than 50% of the shares in the company. Due to the restructuring of financing after this takeover, subordinated loans with crowd investors are terminated prematurely. For crowd investors, this means that they can look forward to the repayment of their loans, including all current interest and appreciation interest accrued thereon. Earnings amount to about +36% on the invested capital (before tax).
“We are very pleased that we can pay back money to all who have placed their trust in us, including the increase in value.”
Crowd investors will be informed separately via email about their investment results and additional payment information.